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Adventure #1:

Identify and Understand the Problem

In Adventure 1, you will learn:

  • How to become aware of problems in your community.
  • The difference between important and unimportant information.
  • Framing good questions.
  • Resources that provide the best information on your topic.
Mac tells Curious Kids that there is a problem. This image is half of a two page spread. The text within the image reads as follows. Mac is Curiosity Creek's Information Detective. His office is in a big old tree. He has learned that the fish in the creek are having problems and calls the Curious Kids to let them know. After hearing what Mac has to say, the kids rush down to the creek where Figgy the Fish is waiting for them. Figgy tells them she doesn't know when this began and describes what she has seen. Turn the page to discover what she has to say!
This image is the right side of the two page spread and shows Mac on his walkie talkie in front of office which is in the tree.
Cross page image of kids at creek standing on dock with Figgy the Fish poking out of the water.
Continuation of image described previously with embedded text that reads as follows. The kids spend some time observing the fish in the creek.

They write their observations in their notebooks:

Image of a notepad with observations written on it.


Image of Timmy holding his notepad
Cross page image of the exterior of the Curiosity Creek Library. Embedded text reads as follows. The kids want more information to understand what is happening at the creek and why, so they head to the library to ask for help from Ms. Cortes, the librarian. Come join them!
Continuation of image from previous page showing library with creek running alongside.
Cross page image showing the interior of the library with Ms. Cortes talking to the Curious Kids. Peeking out from the stacks are Muff and Scruff, the Marsh creatures.
Continuation of the image described on the left. On the right side, embedded text reads as follows. Ms. Cortes says to the Curious Kids, (quotation) You already know some information about what is happening in the creek. Now, let's think about what information you still need to better understand the problem.

Ms. Cortes says, "Let’s ask ourselves:

1. What do I already know about this topic?

2. What do I need to know about this topic?

3. What do I still want to know about this topic?”

Tanisha raises her hand. She has made an observation she would like to share.

Image of Ms. Cortes asking kids to think about what they know about the topic.
Image of Tanisha as she shares her observations with Ms. Cortes in the library.

Tanisha says, "We know the fish have upset tummies and are making noises. We just learned about that today. But I think, so far, that's all we know."

Ms. Cortes grins excitedly and replies, “That’s right, Tanisha! To help you get started, I have a little game for you to play. I’ve hidden eight questions in the library.

Four of those questions will help you learn more about what’s happening to the fish. The remaining four questions might be interesting, but they won’t be as useful.

Your challenge is to identify the four good questions that help you understand more about the fish’s problems.”

Suddenly, a swirl of pixie dust begins to form. Magical wind chimes music begins to play. In a whoosh, Teenie Genie appears amongst the Curious Kids! 

Image of Teenie Genie appearing in pixie dust

Chen jumps up and down and says, “Oh look, it’s Teenie Genie! He has the coolest magical powers here in Curiosity Creek!”

Teenie Genie says to the kids, “I’m so pleased that each of you have joined in to help the fish, so I want to help you along the way. I’m here to give you a special object that you’ll need in this adventure… A magic stick!”

Image of Magic Stick


The kids all gasp. They ooh and aah at the magical object that has appeared.

Teenie Genie says “You’ll find out very soon how you’ll need to use the magic stick. Alright, I’ll see you all … sooner than you think.”

Teenie Genie winks and then disappears in a flash as the swirl of pixie dust fades.

Image of Teenie Genie barely visible as he disappears in pixie dust.

Image of sign pointing R with text that says This way

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Ms. Cortes now holds up the list of good questions and she reads them aloud. “The four good questions are:

  1. What can cause tummy problems in these fish?
  2. Is there anything new happening in or near the creek that could be making the fish sick?
  3. Do the fish get sick only when they come into the creek?
  4. Are there any poisonous plants growing near or in the creek?

Well done, everyone! You may think of other good questions to ask as you gather information to solve the fish problem. But first, I have another challenge for you. Now that you know some good questions to ask, you need to know what resources will help you find the answers. I have put several sources on the table, and we’ll figure out which ones are the most helpful resources to answer our questions.”

Image of Ms. Cortes holding a list of the questions with the kids looking up at her.

Challenge #2: Picking the Most Helpful Resources

Get ready for your second game challenge! You will click on each of the 8 resources on the library table. I'll tell you about the resources in my video.

Remember, in this game, you will be asked if the resource you clicked is a good resource for finding the information you need to know. Answer YES or NO. Your goal is to identify the four best resources!

Are you ready? Once you've watched my video, turn the page and click on the START button! Have fun!

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Image of Badge #1, Problem Identifier