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Adventure #3:

Designing An Inventive Solution

In Adventure 3, you will learn:

  • The difference between working alone or on a team
  • What a prototype is and why it's important, and
  • How a mentor can help you with your invention
Montage image: Flashback image of kids in Adventure 1 looking at sources in the library and from Adventure 2 as they brainstormed ideas with thought bubbles floating around.

The Curious Kids are excited. They used various information sources to figure out what was causing the fish in the creek to get sick, and then they used their imaginations to brainstorm ideas to solve the problem.

small image of gazette front page that shows there is a mystery in Curiosity Creek with the fish showing strange ailments

They chose to create:

  • signs for the park and creek, and
  • a trash bin with a heavy bottom and lockable lid.

What's next? Turn the page to find out!

Image of Timmy, Chen, Tanisha, Digger, Muff, and Scruff walking on a path to the clubhouse to begin creating their signs and invention to solve the problem at the creek.
This is the other half of the cross page image that shows kids on their way to the clubhouse. The embedded text reads: Now, they hurry to the clubhouse to form their teams and begin designing their prototypes.

Hector says, “OK, everyone. The two teams will now design their trash bins. Timmy will design his signs. That’s called a prototype. A prototype is like a model of the final product to be created.”

Image of Hector explaining what a prototype is.
Image of Tanisha scratching her head

Tanisha scratches her head looking confused and asks,  “Why do we need a prototype? Why can’t we just build our trash can?”

Chen chimes in and says, “I think it’s so we can try it out first with each other, and then maybe even other people, and see if we made any mistakes. Then we have time to fix those mistakes before we build our final invention.

Image of Chen thinking

Image that includes Hector responding to Chen with Muff between them.

Hector smiles and says, “Right, Chen! Creating a prototype is like trying out a recipe before baking a birthday cake. Creating a prototype is a way to practice inventing and it can prevent wasting time or effort. Most of all, we want to make sure our invention works the way it’s supposed to, so we can be sure to help the fish.”

Timmy says,  “I can make my signs with pencil and paper first and show them to everyone. Once I know they’re just right, then I’ll make the real ones.”

image of Timmy explaining

Hector nods and says, "Yes, Mimi and I are here to help you as invention mentors." Turn the page to discover what an invention mentor is.

Image of the entire group of characters covers both pages. The text box contents is on the right side of the image and is detailed in the Alternative Text on the opposite page.
Hector explains: An invention mentor is  someone you trust and has experience with inventing. You might have other mentors too, like a parent or grandparent or an expert, like an engineer or scientist. My invention mentor is Mr. Cohen, my science teacher.

Timmy gets excited and says, “My dad is my mentor! He knows a lot of stuff and helps me with my invention ideas.”

Hector says, "That's amazing! Ok, let's begin designing our prototypes."

Image of Timmy's Dad dressed in suit

Timmy and Hector closeups in circles

Timmy has been working hard coming up with ideas of different designs for signs to place near the creek and at the park. His dad has been helping him think about simple ways to communicate to people that they should throw their trash in the bins, not the park or the creek.

Now, Timmy is excited to share his sign ideas with the Curious Kids to see what they think.

Image of Timmy with thought bubbles above his head and pointing to the bubble on the left to indicate he has a great idea.

Timmy starts sharing his sign ideas with the Curious Kids.

“I have come up with two sign ideas to test out. Here’s the first one.” Timmy holds up the first sign which has the words “Trash + Bin = (picture of smiling fish) Happy Fish."

Timmy then looks down to grab the second sign when he gasps, “Oh no!”

Image of Timmy's hand holding his sign which includes pictures of a trash bin, garbage, and a fish. When words and pics are put together, the sign reads: Trash + Bin = Happy Fish.
Image of guilty-looking Digger with shredded sign pieces all around

Timmy exclaims, “It looks like Digger might have accidentally thought this sign was a chew toy! I need help putting the pieces back together for my second sign.”

Image of Timmy with a shocked expression on his face

Challenge #1: Timmy's Sign Drawing Puzzle

Digger accidentally tore apart Timmy's sign drawing so Timmy needs your help!

In this challenge, you will click and drag the pieces of Timmy’s sign drawing to put it back together. Are you ready to tackle this challenge?

Turn the page and press the start button!

Start game icon

Start game icon

As the Curious Kids were hard at work on their prototype drawings, a familiar magical friend has come to pay them a visit again. A pencil drawing of Teenie Genie begins to get drawn by itself on Tanisha’s paper, as a swirl of pixie dust forms around the page and a tinkling bell sound is heard.

Image of Tanisha at her sketch pad as a faint sketch of Teenie Genie begins to appear and emerge from the sketch pad.
Image of Teenie Genie, now in full color, emerging from sketchpad with magic camera in his hand.

All the Curious Kids gasp in excitement.

Tanisha exclaims, “Oh wow! Teenie Genie is back!”

Teenie Genie says to the kids, “You’re all doing such a great job on your journey to help the Curiosity Creek fish! Here’s another tool you’ll find helpful…a magical camera.”

The kids ooh and aah.

Image of Teenie Genie saying goodbye to the kids.

“Time for me to go! I can’t wait to see your prototype designs---bye!”

A swirl of pixie dust forms around Teenie Genie and he disappears in a whoosh.

The Curious Kids return to working on their drawings. They are hard at work again, when they get another surprise!

Mac suddenly appears standing in the doorway to the clubhouse.

Tanisha shrieks, “Mac!” He is breathing heavily because of his rush to get to the clubhouse.

Mac says, “I got here as quickly as I could. I have some important new information. The mayor told me there is an ordinance about signs and trash bins in the park and near the creek. An ordinance is like a law that is just for cities or towns. The ordinance states that there can be no signs near the creek and one at the park. And they have to be a certain size or smaller.”

All the Curious Kids are shocked by the new information.

Image of Mac in the doorway of the clubhouse looking winded

Hector says, "Thanks, Mac. That's helpful information, especially for Timmy who is creating the signs! But you know what that means. It will be a competition for our two teams to see which one makes the best trash bin for the park. 

Chen has an idea and begins to share, "Maybe we could start with a trash can like the one already in the park and then we can think of ways to change it so that it can’t be tipped over and the lid won’t fly open.”

Image of Mac talkingMac replies,  “That’s a great idea, Chen. One way to invent is to come up with an improvement for a product that has already been invented.”

Chens says, “We need to figure out how we can make the heavy base for the trash can."

Chen with arms raised explaining

CROSS PAGE IMAGE WITH EMBEDDED TEXT THAT READS: The two teams of Curious Kids are scratching their heads as they ponder how they can help solve the problem. It’s time for a new challenge to help the two teams design trash bin prototypes.
CROSS PAGE IMAGE WITH EMBEDDED TEXT THAT READS: The two teams of Curious Kids are scratching their heads as they ponder how they can help solve the problem. It’s time for a new challenge to help the two teams design trash bin prototypes.

Start game icon

Start game icon

Teams show their drawings. Text reads: The Curious Kids have taken your advice for the best weights options as they begin building their prototypes. Muff, Scruff and Hector have decided to try using the bricks in their trash can prototype.
This image is the right side of the same image of the teams showing their drawings. Embedded text on this page reads as follows: Tanisha, Chen and Digger have decided to try using the rocks in their trash can prototype.

Rev Final Page for Adventure 3.png

Image of Badge #3 that reads Prototype Designer